Home / Blog / The new Surfside Beach pier is built to last. Take a look at new safety features

The new Surfside Beach pier is built to last. Take a look at new safety features

Jun 18, 2023Jun 18, 2023

The much-anticipated Surfside Beach pier is closer to completion and has several new safety features.

Originally built in 1953, Surfside's pier has been a part of the coastal town's identity for half a century. It's been rebuilt three times because of storm damage.

In 2016, powerful winds from Hurricane Matthews sheared off half its 800-foot-long walkway and closed it indefinitely.

Construction is shooting to be done around Aug. 8, according to Surfside Beach Fire Chief Rob Clemons. But it could be longer for the pier to be open to the public.

They don't have much left, he said.

Construction of the pier came to halt twice in October after two stop work orders were issued 10 days apart due to design conflicts and licensing oversights.

The new and improved pier is built to last — with infrastructure that will be able to withstand hurricane force winds, according to John O’ Brien.

"I know everyone wants it done yesterday, but it's done right," he said.

O’Brien said he didn't expect any more delays.

Included in the final stages are putting in stainless steel handrails, about 60 more pieces of furniture for the pier and pressure washing.

One of the biggest differences in the new pier is it's strength. The pier itself is ten feet higher, and designed to take wave impact 15 feet above the deck, O’Brien said.

There is also an elevator and an ADA ramp. Out on the deck, there is turtle-friendly lighting, fishing tables, and a sprinkler system.

Some business have already leased on the property. In one building just outside the deck will be a Painters Ice Cream location. The former Surf Diner has already leased the largest building as well.

The structure itself is designed to last 50 years, he said. If a hurricane hits, the deck may suffer damage but the structure itself wouldn't. All that might need replacing is parts of the deck.

City officials gathered at the pier Friday afternoon to tour the pier. Mayor Bob Hellyer said the pier has had many delays in the past, but that he was looking forward to having it full of people.

"Before, it wobbled," Surfside Beach Mayor Bob Hellyer said. "This one ain't wobbling."